A life to be proud of

My name is Silvana Koenig, and I live in Switzerland with my husband, my son, and our dog. I present myself as a Practitioner Life Coach. I was created and remodeled through life’s ups and downs to believe that futures can be transformed in order that hidden potential be brought to reality, and even to find peace in the chaos.

It seems that processing things are part of my destiny. At an early age, around 13 years old, I remember seeing computers and many schools in Brazil offering computer skills. I was curious about the subject, but I did not have the means to enrol. Nevertheless 10 years later, there I was in a Data Processing Technology faculty for 3 years studying computer languages like Cobol, Dos, Assembly low-level programming, and C++.  Actually, I had wanted to become a doctor because of my caring nature, but teaching others has always been a deep profound desire in my heart. C’est la vie!

Nothing that I learned was in vain, even my six months tentative of doing a masters program in Computer Science in Switzerland. Thanks to my previous degree I have a more logical perception and ability to manage and do administration. Every part of my life has built me into who I am today. After living in four continents: South America, Europe, Australia, and North America, my life has brought me a vast understanding of cultures and knowledge of how people think, live, and of their values. One day I heard someone saying that a language is equivalent to a faculty. Although I have never thought that I was brilliant in anything, I did not let fear and shame to stop me from acquiring four such faculties.

Perhaps I am created with a brilliant perception of how I see the world around me. Or, intuitively, I see the many possibilities people have to develop their potential.

For years I have been pursuing a holistic way to understand how to bring healing to the body, mind, and soul. In order to activate the fullness of an individual, it is essential to be cared about so that they can accomplish their purpose in life. What everyone is called to do, whether personally or societally, is profoudly important.

It is clear that not everyone has the privilege to grow up in a balanced, functional family or environment. Instead, sometimes in our inner chaos, we do not have access to the best potential that is available within us. For some individuals, to dream and to have success is necessary to make one’s life worthwhile.

Empowering leaders is one of my passions. In the Google dictionary, a leader means the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.  How amazing the picture of seeing leaders at peace, loving themselves, appreciating and validating who they are, so they can treasure others and bring their co-workers and themselves to the development and fulfillment of their functions. A balanced emotional boss can bring the whole company to thrive and accomplish their full potential. The final product is to create wealth through an individual who believes that he is worth it.

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes more comfortable”. Roy E. Disney – Roy E. Disney Quotes

As a life coach practitioner, I have the life and tools known to ask the right questions and to stimulate and encourage clients to self-develop innovative solutions to challenges and goals. It is a pleasure to walk with you and find your new you! It is going to be a fun but sometimes frustrating process. I am going to assist you to find in yourself the part that is missing to make your destiny brighter and your life lighter. Bless you!