My history

It started a long time ago.

How  life coaching came into my life

When I was living in Brisbane, Australia, I had the chance to be part of a women’s support group founded by Lorraine Addison.

At that time my husband was not a believer, and there were many years of relationship turmoil inside our marriage. I remembered explaining to my pastor’s wife that I did not want to be with other Christians whom their husband were believers, knowing my husband was not a believer. They do not understand that my heart was in great pain and despair. By God’s divine appointment, she ended up sitting near a lady in a conference who was a leader from women’s support ministry for women whose husband wasn’t a believer. A few weeks later, Lorraine and precious Michelle came to visit me for a conversation. They invited me to visit the group, but I was not sure if I wanted to forgive the horrible husband I had. It seems so hilarious that I was so closed to love and to forgiving my husband and myself.

The group was surprisingly perfect for my need. The ladies supported me and invited me to Bible Study Fellowship, also known as BSF. It did not take long before I was invited to lead a group near my home. My spoken English and vocabulary was not as good as it is today, but the ladies gave me the confidence to lead them.

One day out of the blue, I asked myself, if Lorraine resigned, who would continue the women’s support group.  In my heart, I was expecting Michelle Bivans, my group leader. She was an outstanding leader and manager. One day I was driving Lorraine home, and we were talking about my thoughts about who would continue the ministry when she resigned. Suddenly the glory of God just manifested so profoundly, and Lorraine said that the person was me. Even Michelle had this in her heart because I was passionate about life and the ministry. Not long after that day, I was leaving Brisbane, Australia, when Lorraine Addison, during my farewell in front of the ministry ladies, gave me the mantel and called me to become an overseer. It was to be called from that day Abigail Ministries: a women’s support group whenever I go.

What did I do with the mandate of overseeing the ministry?

Months later, I was living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where my husband had taken a new position. There I met Rita Yee, my best friend, and my pastor’s wife. While I was visiting the Montreal Chinese Presbyterian Church. also known as the MCPC Montreal, I noticed that many women were married and unevenly yoked, living with a husband who did not have the same faith as their wives. So, we started the women’s support group. We call it Streams of Grace Ministries. I had a Mentor, Hye Kam, a therapist gave Rita and I some support. One day our mentor encouraged me to start a diploma program in the area of emotional care in case the pastor and people asked me about my expertise. After many months praying and seeking God, several events brought the word Coach to my heart and mind. Notably, it was the way the word Coach came to as through my friend Rita Yee.  After this, a prophetic lady as well had the clear picture that I would teach many people and be a coach. At that time, I was serving as a leader using the skills from a women’s support group in Canada and sometimes I, intuitively and by God’s grace, had opportunities to teach the ladies from the Montreal Chinese Presbyterian Church.

Attaining a Life Coaching Diploma

In the year 2016, my husband decided that our family would move back to Switzerland Zuerich. I was sad to leave Montreal, my great friends, ministry, and the dream of being a coach. I knew in my mind that it would take at least five years for me to have the grammar and vocabulary to be able to become a life coach in German. To my surprise, I met an old friend from a mission in Romania. She was a distributor from a UK Coaching training school in Switzerland. I could not believe my ears.  It was a miracle! I went ahead and enrolled in the school, and here I am a certificated Practitioner Life Coach.