Health Coach

Your diet is not only what you eat!

Without any preparation, I was immersed in new cultures and different eating habits. Living in Switzerland, then Australia, Canada and Switzerland again, affected my whole organism. I left Brazil with 69 kilos and over the years I found myself with 100 kilos and a chronic autoimmune thyroid disease after the birth of my son. But all of this woke me up to what I call “a journey to health”.

Come with me to know the 6 steps that are leading me to enjoy a better quality of life.

Before sharing my tips I need to say that I sought knowledge about the main concepts of a healthy life. I managed to lose 15 kilos and I was so excited that I had a huge need to understand about food, because my appetite increased and I didn’t want to gain weight. I also had a desire to find the best way to feel full and a possible cure for my autoimmune system. So I decided to invest more assertively, I enrolled in the School with an emphasis on nutrition. The New York Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) Health Coach Certificate Program in Integrative Nutrition, one of the best in this field. The Institution has a holistic view of the human being and I learned exceptional concepts that are: Primary and Secondary Food and Bio-individuality, the idea that we all have different needs. As we are all unique in mind, body, and spirit – we are also unique in the choices that support our health and happiness. These concepts have totally changed my way of living!

Primary Food refers to what we eat off the plate. This goes beyond the food you eat. It’s about well being! We know that we all need food to survive, but primary foods emphasize that we are multidimensional beings. We have 12 areas in the life cycle:

  1. Social Life,
  2. Joy,
  3. Finance,
  4. Education,
  5. Relationships,
  6. Physical Activities,
  7. Health,
  8. Creativity,
  9. Career,
  10. Spirituality – Faith,
  11. Home Ambience and
  12. Homemade food. 

Understanding and working in these areas brings us contentment, so we don’t eat because of emotions like: frustration, sadness, stress or fear.

Secondary food is the food we eat every day – it’s the food on our plate. There are many factors that lead us to choose certain foods, including: health, lifestyle, environment, physiology and psychology, society, culture, economy, beliefs, relationship with food and knowledge about food. When these areas are not in harmony, we tend to self-sabotage and all kinds of addictions, including eating.

So let’s go to the 6 steps that are changing my body and my mind:

Step 1: Reflect on who you are. I had to rescue that woman that one day I left or didn’t even know. I sought to understand about my essence: clothing style, character, biological individuality; values, spirituality and tastes. I asked deep questions in search of self-knowledge. I am unique in a crowd, beautifully made with a purpose and a mission.

Step 2: Keep your mind in balance. Understand more about how to have a healthy mind, as it is proven that emotional intelligence is fundamental to quality of life. Take time in the morning to meditate, connect with your faith (spirituality), plan your schedule and visualize your goals. Be present, cultivate good relationships and learn to listen to yourself and others. This is Love!

We are what we eat, rest assured, because with awareness and healthy choices we can live better and fulfill our dreams!

Step 3: Bring harmony to all areas of your life. We often eat poorly and get sick because of frustrations in some area like; finances, relationships or social life. It is essential that all areas are aligned with its values. A balanced life generates joy and creativity. Are you eating your emotions?

Step 4: Discover how your digestive system works. There is even the World Digestive Health Day that aims to reinforce the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of diseases. The digestive system is made up of ten organs, including: mouth, stomach, liver and small and large intestines. In addition to the digestion of food, this part of the body also influences different aspects of our lives.

Step 5: Cultivate good eating habits . Before eating foods that provide emotional comfort like sweets and carbohydrates, ask yourself what you’re really feeling. And respond with high-nutrition, non-calorie food choices. Drink 2 liters of water daily. Eat the most diverse vegetables and bet on food supplements such as: Omega 3, Zinc and Vitamin D.

Step 6: Enjoy your journey! Health is a journey, not a destination; it is important to appreciate the discoveries. Take small steps forward instead of making sweeping changes. Do physical activities, because your body will gain more vitality. Start with five minutes a day and work your way up. One day at a time and with real goals!

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