Life Coach Program

Contact me!

As a life coach practitioner, I have the life and tools known to ask the right questions and to stimulate and encourage clients to self-develop innovative solutions to challenges and goals. It is a pleasure to walk with you and find your new you! It is going to be a fun but sometimes frustrating process. I am going to assist you to find in yourself the part that is missing to make your destiny brighter and your life lighter. Bless you!

Divided into 8 independent modules, the Life Coach Program is extremely enlightening of the most diverse areas of life.

MODULE 1 – Self-knowledge is power

MODULE 2 – What are values for? Finding purpose and direction in life

MODULE 3 – Limiting beliefs block our potential

MODULE 4 – Forgiveness, self-forgiveness, and family roots (Genogram)

MODULE 5 – Basic traits of behavior in people (Test Disc)

MODULE 6 – Self-esteem X Performance

MODULE 7 – Overcoming self-sabotage

MODULE 8 – Objectives and Goals

To contact me for more information or to schedule an appointment, please use the contact form below, I will answer you as soon as possible:

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